Monday, December 16, 2013

Xmas Cheer

“Grown Ups 2”: Potential was there. The wide range of casting: young up & coming actors/actresses, Shaq, Stone Cold, usual Adam Sandler cast was there. Even the 80s element was there (my wife states that nearly all Sandler movies has that 80s aspects). The movie was a long disaster. Can you believe Sandler gets paid 15 million a movie? That’s the business we created. If we didn’t go see movies, movies wouldn’t make money, directors wouldn’t cast certain people, producers wouldn’t spend so much, actors wouldn’t make so much and eventually stop asking for a lot. The funniest moments were Meatloaf waving his handkerchief or neckchief as my dad calls it, and the one-liners by the frat boys. Salma Hayek’s breast were so big, I do not remember that. Oh, that exercise scene wasn’t too bad. No, now I think of it, it was bad. The acting was pretty lame over all, because it didn’t seem like people were trying, I don’t know, too overly laid back. The dude with the weird eye always plays a character with a weird eye. Why? Should not have been a sequel but a new storyline. Oh, I know, this movie seemed too forced, as if, it was made to make a couple bucks, kind of like Hangover or those damn Paranormal Activity movies. Stop it. HEARING AID OFF

“Swing Parade”: Oh, behave, you silly people. This is just a boring black and white film about singing (fast forward), dancing (fast forward) and some 3 Stooges (play it). The Stooges made this movie tolerable but I still give it a HEARING AID OFF.

“A Charlie Brown Christmas”: Even though it was short, I sure laughed out loud. Love the scene of all them singing with their tiny noses pointing skyward, and that Christmas tree. One year, I can’t remember where or when, but I believe someone (maybe it was me) had a twig in a glass with water and one red bulb on it: the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. My favorite now is Linus and his blanket. I was a blanket boy: sucked my thumb & had a blanket I called, “Blankie.” When my blanket had a hole or a rip, I’d tie it up. Sometimes, I would put it by the front door so the cold air would make the blanket nice & cold for me to snuggle with. But, it was burnt before my eyes by my evil brothers. I believe I have been traumatized from that experience and have numerous nightmares that involve sulking devil brothers, flames and my lovely blue knotted blankie. That DNA trait has been passed onto my 2nd & 3rd sons, however, my 3rd son does not suck his thumb, rather his middle two fingers. I will comment on my 2nd boy because he does exactly what Linus does: he wraps himself up in that blanket anywhere and everywhere, that is, as long as we give him access to his blanket. Sometimes, he’ll even wrap the blanket around his head like a hijab. Oh man, that boy is precious. He has a blanket for bedtime, plus spares in case he wets the bed. He has a blanket for car rides (one for both of our cars). He has a blanket for when he visits Nonna’s & Nonno’s. HEARING AID ON

“Frosty Returns”: What the hell was that all about? HEARING AID OFF

“Elf”: Too much awesomeness. Buddy is awesome to the core. He should have gotten an Oscar for his performance. He is so believable as an older guy playing a silly youngin’. I just love Buddy’s emotions. He exclaims so loudly and is overjoyed, overwhelmed with everything he sees. Loved the randomness of those animated creatures. Buddy was Christmas incarnated and so utterly believable. He possessed the heart of a child within an older person. Wish it ran throughout and bled into our world. And I always tear up when the little boy has Santa’s book and names off people’s wants from their Santa list. That wish list is called hope. That hope to receive something greater that may or may not happen. Adults forget but they are always creating Santa Lists. Being human is about hoping for something more. Some can feel it will happen, but know it takes time. Others will feel it will never happen and their negative energy pushes the hope out the window. Others have money and buy that hope so much faster than the average person can think possible. Or hope comes in little tiny steps and attainable right there at the finger tips. Buddy and his syrup in the coffee: classic. Buddy and his spaghetti sugar infused disgustingness, yet eats it like it was made for the lord himself is pure art. This movie works because it is outright silly yet brings Christmas into our coal filled hearts. HEARING AID ON

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