Monday, December 30, 2013

Will This Be My Last

“Hell Comes To Frogtown”: Holy snapballs! What the hell was the movie all about? It was whacked out weirdness, even for a movie watcher like myself: save females to impregnate them in a mutant (mainly lizard creatures) and Rowdy Roddy Piper’s penis belongs to the gov’ment. You want strange and bizarre and a plot that is so stupid it is so worthless to watch, this is for you. The mutants were made really well, but the acting was not even close as worthwhile watching as the ugly frog face female putting the moves on Piper’s piper. You want to be weirded out, please entertain yourself with this puke. HEARING AID OFF

“I Like To Hurt People”: Wow, what a catchy tune throughout, “I like to hurt people. I like to hurt peeeeople. I like to HURT people.” Sing it to an 80s rock sound and you got a catchy groove, people. I like to hurt people. This was one hell of a fun mockumentary with great wrestlers like Dusty Rhodes & Terry Funk. It was so cool watching this film about NWA and seeing interviews with fatso wrestlers that love to hurt people. I like to hurt peeeeople. But underlying it all was the Sheik & the STS (Stop The Sheik) campaign. Fun movie for wresting fans all over. Remember one thing: Dusty Rhodes has wined and dined with kings and queens. Oh, also remember that I like to hurt people. Yeah, I like to hurt people. HEARING AID ON

“Grunt: The Wrestling Movie”: Holy crapballs, this movie is awesome to the cheesiness of the most cheesiest cheese puffs you have ever eaten. This is a fake mockumentary about mostly fake wrestlers and a plot about whether Mad Dog is the Mask. You have got to watch this movie and pay attention to every word. Like for example, after the champ is decapitated during a match, the governing body finally comes to a conclusion after 6 years as to how to proceed with the new champion: battle royal. The mockumentary crew sets out on a hilarious journey and it is all one hell of a ride with laughs beyond control and intention. The ending is surprising and great and will make you get fired up in an odd way and make you nod your head and say, “This movie is great. Man it makes me want to hurt people.” HEARING AID ON

“Hot To Trot”: Ha, what a blast from the atomic past. Gosh, it was a fun, lighthearted ride with a talking horse and ugly Bobcat. Damn, was his hair so bad, along with his clothes, but we’ll forgive him because it was the 80s. The 80s was all about bad hair and horrendous clothes. The reason this movie was simply great was that it had a laidback feel to it; showing the viewers that nothing is truly being taken seriously. And guess what, John Candy is the voice of the horse, which is so worth the fun to watch, well, maybe more so, listen. With this one, turn your hearing aid on and laugh a little at the ridiculousness of it all; 80s style that is. HEARING AID ON

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