Friday, December 27, 2013

Oh Abe.

“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter”: I don’t care what you think, but this film was badass. I’m sure it wasn’t as good as the book, but nobody can beat an Honest Abe while he is swinging a mean looking ax. The scenes were sweet, like the horse jumping & train stomping. I loved how the fiction was tied in with the nonfiction. Don’t worry, I know it is nothing new, but the whole fact that the North almost lost to vampires and not slave owners is rather quite mind blowing. Plus, I loved the scene in which the viewer gets to look at Abe with his beard and top hat for the first time: WOW & WHOA!: truly, truly one badass prez. It was fun. It was action. It was real. It was not real. It was a president that understood the value of history and journal taking. It was a president that understood the value of taking sacrifices for the greater good. Hey, vampires just might be out there. If Obama ain’t wielding a silver tipped blade right now, we can still rest assure knowing Sam & Dean got our backs. HEARING AID ON

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