Thursday, December 26, 2013

End Of Christmas Cheers

“It’s A Wonderful Life”: After watching this film, how can it not be. The film has it all: comedy, drama, seriousness, great story-telling narration, wonderful acting and cheesy cheerfulness. Notice Alfalfa. There were even a couple actors that played in a few Stooges’ shorts. The reason why this is such a classy film is that it is about a small town boy and his hopes of leaving, only to get sucked into the town and become a valuable member. Another valuable wonderfulness of this film is the drafty ol’ house and all those damn kids, along with all the miserable happenstances of life that make holidays so extra very stressful, yet wonderful. I wouldn’t go so far as killing myself for the sake of saving the family, because that really doesn’t make sense. The family needs me and whatever pickle one is in, if a family pulls together, great and wonderful things will happen, in time, that is. My favorite scene was when they were in the alternate universe in the bar and the bartender keeps wringing the cash registrar bell, “Look, I’m giving angels wings.” Smart assy and funny. How about when George goes running around at the end in his high pitched voice, running all hunched over? Wonderful. So wonderful. HEARING AID ON

“Jack Frost”: Claymation and what-the-hell-is-going-on-amation? It seemed like the subliminal message was Russians vs. Germans; crazy mechanical one hand man vs. blonde-hair-blue-eyes. The coolest was how snow was made by little blue people. The story was actually very dumb. Dumb dumb dumb. I have no idea as to why I watched it, maybe it was the mechanical horse, the mechanical had puppet and/or the groundhog. Not sure, but I notice my oldest son could not stop watching the movie. HEARING AID OFF

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