Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cheerathon of Xmas

“Miracle On 34th Street” (1947): A warmth of a tale about a man who knows what the spirit of Christmas is all about: giving and not going broke while doing it. Or in the corporate world: placing helping guidance before making a profit. Black Friday (I mean, Black Thursday does not count). Corporate world is all about making profit; there is nothing wrong with that. The problem stems from the consumer being so willing to buy the newest product. For example, burger prices go up at the fast food places, so here’s a clever idea, stop buying from them and make your own. And at some point the phenomenon of Supply & Demand will drive prices down or the place out of business: good for us. Or, if the newest car comes out, don’t bother, drive yours until it is done; it is cheaper to make simple repairs than purchasing a new car and having monthly payments along with higher insurance & interest. As for gift giving, there is no need to buy the most current new fashionable toy for a child because the child plays with the toy for a month straight at the longest and is done, or even worse, breaks the item in a week, or all kids fight over it. Go thrift shopping for used toys and be creative. Children will always be happy and sad with each gift. I remember one year I got socks from an old lady (of whom has passed away many moons ago) and boy was I so sad, but in the end, I wore the socks and continued to visit the old lady with my mom and eat those delicious donuts. Last year, my wife & I bought a combo of new toys and thrift toys and the boys could care less, as long as they unwrapped and enjoyed. This movie shows some of that, but also offers the viewer an insight of a comical adventure of a man, insane, sane or both who believes himself to be Santa. I believed he was Santa. Why not? The courtroom had the best scenes, along with the little jolly Santaman. Another small favorite scene of mine was the mailroom where the guy is talking to a paisano named Lou; based on their mannerism and speech, the two were Italian, then the guy starts singing “Jingle bells.” Mint, I tell you. Ho, ho, ho and may the spirit of the kind cheap, I mean frugal giver guide you on your Christmas shopping journey. HEARING AID ON

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