Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmasi Cheerathoni

“Jingle All The Way”: Love hearing Arnold’s voice. His accent is sweet. “And remeba, you my numba one cusdtoma.” He played his role so well. But bring in Sinbad, and bam you got a hilarious number, “Ta-ta, Turtleman.” Or how ‘bout, “Itz Tuboman.” Or “Itz Tubotime.” Ah man, I’m killing myself here. And in the mix, is Phil Hartman playing that single father goon. The great merry mix up of storyline and the actors made this movie work and put you in a merry holiday spirit. Plus all those Santa Clauses. What a racket? Loved everything about this movie, but by far the best moment is when Sinbad is getting hit in the face by the shooting stars in slow mo. All right! HEARING AID ON

“The Santa Clause”: Another fabulous holiday movie with Tim Allen, who did not seem like a great character choice, but he did awesome. The soy milk scene is hilarious. But you know what? The ending always gets me choked up. It is always the idea of believing in the Christmas spirit that makes Santa so real. Santa is out there and although many do not agree and will say Christmas is about Jesus, but it is truly about Santa (and Scrooge, that is another story). Christmas is about giving and giving and giving. There is something underlying to this holiday, besides a birth of a carpenter. I’m just saying; this wonderful Christmas time that enters our hearts once a year is always about giving. And what makes it that way, the politics of society. Society steers us away from the religious aspects of the holiday and transforms it into something universal. It is a simply way to enter the political correctness of trying to appease the majority, while being okay with offending the minority. But, religion is not totally taken away, there is always St. Nick associated with Christmas (plus the first 5 letters of Christmas). I always envision myself having a long, long beard, smoking a corncob pipe and walking in the wilderness giving out trinkets for all the people out of the kindness of my heart. Now that I think about it, my parents are wonderful examples of Santa Clauses all year ‘round. I mean these people give and give and give, even when they are hurt in the process. It is no wonder that everyone respects them, or is it because they are Italian. Naw, I’m sure it has something to do with my mom feeding the neighborhood boys with pasta and homemade sauce, or my father delivering home grown goods to everyone he knew. Give, give and give. Lessons can be learned from the elders. Santa is in our hearts. Gotta keep some space for the ho, ho hos. Wow, reading that previous sentence has a lot of meanings & I do believe all meanings apply to someone somewhere. Somewhere over the rainbow. “Ah, there’s me pot o’ gold. There will be a killing for every missing shillin’! He, he, he!” Whoa! So off topic. HEARING AID ON

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