Thursday, December 12, 2013

Enter Your Christmas Cheery

“He-Man & She-Ra: A Christmas Special”: Holy Moly strange days these were. Have you seen this special? And what in Eternia is going on? And talk about a blast from the past. The characters I remember like they were in my life yesterday, well, the toys that is. My buddy & brother went through a phase of collecting the figures. I strayed a bit from my G.I. Joe collecting to help them. I was a little brother trying to have one of my big bros appreciate me. Don’t think he did. I know for a fact, he doesn’t now. I do not remember the cartoon characters one bit, except for Prince Adam, aka He-Man. “By the power of Grayskull!” I would love to know who was the human model for He-Man; He(-Man) was humongous. At that moment He(-Man) was inspiring me to go in my basement to get my weights together and start lifting some weights (but that is next year’s resolution). This special had so much going on with so many different bad guys, good guys, good girls, strange creatures, humans, robots & the creepiest voices you ever did hear. Animation was simple and sweet, just the way I love it, after all, this is the 80s, baby! The greatest awesomeness of this Christmas special was Skeletor. Skeletor was hilarious, especially when the Christmas spirit overcame him. This special is so worth watching for the sake of Skeletor and those creepy character voices, oh, and the occasional furry under panties worn by the men of Heeeeeeeeee-Maaaaaaaaan! (Say it in a loud manly voice, it’ll have a better effect. Do it.               Do it.                     Do it.) And the little girl has the weirdest looking hands: wrinkly old lady hands. HEARING AID ON

“Nertsery Rhymes”: Here it is, the first Stooge short with Ted Healy. I hate Ted Healy. I hated this musical comedy but it was a product of its time. Nonetheless, today’s viewer gets to see young, healthy, unwealthy & dumb Stooges, who truly do look like little boys. HEARING AID ON for the short that created the greatest comedy of anything anywhere, ever.

“Roast-Beef And Movies”: A very unfunny musical short starring Curly. The best part was Curly (listed here as Jerome) being so hungry he decided to eat his friend’s buttons. That is clever. Aside from that, there was too much dancing footage. SaaaaleeeeeeePER. HEARING AID OFF.

“Frosty The Snowman”: Classic Christmas Cartoon. Bring on the cheer of the Christmas snow. I had no idea there were different kinds of snow. So, if it were to snow in Brazil, would that be Brazilian snow? Someday, our weathers will shift and it will snow in Brazil. Nothing remains the same. Maybe except a Zeppelin song. Ever notice the little children are not dressed for winter. One of the girls has short sleeves and a dress: so, so odd. I guess in those day, snow wasn’t that cold feeling. After all, it was Christmas snow, and so ready to melt, just like Frosty. I hate red thermometers. Loved the bunny and the silly magician who couldn’t do magic. But most importantly, I loved the very simple animation and that Santa made an appearance to save Frosty. Those two are usually not linked together and I think that was a very nice touch. It made my holiday duos times better. HEARING AID ONE

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