Friday, June 28, 2013

2 Gs

“Gangster Squad”: Opens with a killing of a Russo, most likely no relation to me, because almost all famous Russos, Russo politicians (corrupt ones, as well, like Cuyahoga County auditor) and Italian gangers (Tommy Russo) are from Sicily. My family is from the boot, kicking those Sicilian bastards outta Italy. I know, real smooth. The thing I liked most was how the squad just dove right into action with gusto, balls, no plan in sight and encountered humorous antics. An extremely fun movie capturing a time in which the people of USA once dressed classy while the love of money was corrupt and whacky. The wife was awesome as well, she had class and knew her husband better than he knew himself, that is why she understood her fate and her husbands. My wife is like that. HEARING AID ON

“Grave Mistake”: No, I am not gonna say this movie was a grave mistake. Too, too cliché. If you ever torture yourself in watching this grave mistake of a movie, notice the Mike character has so much resemblance to me from my very long hair days; sporting the Jesus look, along with the Cro-magnon brow. Bizzaro. Hell, if I was in this movie, I would have made it a blockbuster. Buh! Who am I kidding? Huh? Wha? Did you say something because I am experiencing a HEARING AID OFF.

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