Monday, June 3, 2013

Flight Of The Vampires

“Vampire Happening”: Now here is a movie with lots of 70s boobage. You cannot hide from that fact. There is also a scene with lots & lots of horny vampires; it was so outrages that you know it had to be good. Problem is, the audio and lip matching was so out of tune (worse than those classic Kung Fu movies (sadly, this movie was actually in English)). This movie looked like a ton of fun, but I could not follow the dialogue, nonetheless, my eyes never strayed from the breast. Yeah baby! Due to the boobs & horny vampire priests, I give this movie a HEARING AID ON.

“The Satanic Rites Of Dracula”: Almost held my interest with the naked girl on the altar, then I realized she was so, ever so skinny. But the movie dragged on and on and on and on and on. 70s movies are so lengthy, as if tape reels were never going to run out. But one thing that did run out was my interest. Dialogue? Ha, ha, ha. HEARING AID OFF

“Flight”: This movie was recommended by a FB friend. And damn was there so much alcohol abuse! Did you see all that booze that was thrown out? And then he had the nerve to buy more booze. What a money waster?! Three awesome scenes that made the movie: Whip walking to his morning flight bombed but confident, Whip grabbing the tiny vodka bottle, Whip walking to his federal hearing bombed but confident. C’mon, you all remember that walk to the next bar or party in which it is you: the night wind in your face, hair, walking tale and thinking about the next drink to be drunk and person to win over. That is called the drunken swagger yelling out, “Oh yeah! I’m feeling good! Damn good, mind you!” In the end, the movie makes you wonder, “I wonder if the doctor performing my surgery is drunk; I wonder if the mailman is high; I wonder if that librarian is doing his drunken swagger.” HEARING AID ON

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