Monday, June 10, 2013

Ralph & So-called Zombies

“Wreck-it Ralph”: And damn o’ damn what a tremendously creative movie. Everything from plug-in station to the bad guys (notice the Street Fighter II characters, which where made into G.I. Joe figures in the 90s), from the animation to the Candyland raceland place. The little girl, the Glitch was so damn cute and funny, almost made me wish I had a daughter. I even got teary eyed at the bitter end, simply because I am a warm and squishy kind of guy. HEARING AID ON

“Astro-Zombies”: Please rename Assnut-Zombies. Just an all around buffoon of a movie. A mad scientist pushing buttons and mechanism that have no logical value or meaning, who tells his numbnuts of a coworker about how everything works. Then you have squeaky voiced bad hair detective playing with a fuse box he has no idea what is going on in that box while his red head girl gets attacked by an assnut-zombie. BTW, all the men’s hairdos were terrible, my leg hairs look better. And the best part of it all was the white chick who made to look like an Asian woman. Where that that racists or did Asian women cost too much? Sing with me: dance naked painted lady, oh dance naked painted lady, oh dance naked painted lady. C’mon everybody sing it: dance naked painted lady, oh dance naked painted lady, oh dance naked painted lady. HEARING AID OFF

“Ghost Galleon”: The only thing special about his movie was that the ship rocked me to sleep. HEARING AID OFF

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