Friday, June 14, 2013

Those Damn Werewolves

“Werewolf In Washington”: Boy, was I taken by surprise. At first, I thought the movie was a choppy terrible film that was going to make me visit the Sandman. “Oh Papa Sandman, sing me to sleep tonight,” I sang to myself. Luckily, the movie kept my interest and made me laugh once I started paying attention to what was really happening. The movie is a comedy and pretty sweet. I just wish I wasn’t so tired and I would have laughed a ton more. Even though the werewolf acts more like a dog than a werewolf, the werewolf’s antics work. Funny, cuddly werewolf. But the main winner is the President and his fellow political cohorts. Damn funny. “You’re right, Jack. You are the werewolf,” says the President. A continuous comedy of an unheard gem that downright should be seen by all. Plus the older guy from “Quantum Leap” is the lead actor. HEARING AID ON

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