Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Please, Awake Something

“Awaken The Dead”: Buh! Too bad this movie couldn’t keep me awake in bed. A loser, ex-assassin priest, of whom wears a rosary around his neck (no Catholic priest does that) & a stupid assassin’s daughter play dummies that stay alive from demon looking lamers of zombies. The film was gritty dark, dialogue utterly dead boring & shock of it all, it was all an experiment from yours truly, the USA gov’ment. I reckon, dat dam gov’ment and der dam gov’ment seeeecrets gonna kill us all. We all gonna die! My italicized previous two sentences are more entertaining than this bore of a waste of my life of a thing called a movie. Before you awaken the dead, please awaken the viewers. HEARING AID OFF

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