Monday, June 24, 2013

Bring On Osombie

“Expendables 2”: Immaculate. Sure it was cheesy, goofy and downright chaotic. BUUUUUT totally reminiscent of 80s action movies. Naturally, look at the cast. I love how everything was done tongue in cheek and everyone was made fun of each other/themselves. Simple plot, simple characters and tons of awesome action-ness. Another beautiful aspect of this movie was how it reminded me of the G.I. Joe comic stories I read in the 80s & 90s: a small handful of soldiers, with codenames, have a mission, blow stuff up and save the damn day (note to anyone that wants to make another G.I. Joe movie, for the love of fans, make it simple, just watch this movie and borrow some ideas. Here’s a great G.I. Joe title: G.I. Joe: Springfield (fans will understand). Hell, I’ll write the script if need be, I got an MA in English, creative writing emphasis. I can make it happen, cheaply). Okay, back to the movie. I loved seeing Arnold & Sly together, which should have been done back in the 80s, but I’m sure both egos were through the roof. So much more can be said, but I’ll end it with: IMMACULATE HEARING AID ON.

“Osombie”: Just a great fun movie. You take a real event and zombify it. Pure fun entertainment and great zombies, along with idiots having fun with zombies. One cannot have fun with zombies. You know people shouldn’t play with dead things (I know, that phrase is taken from a movie). Dead things that are reanimated need to be rekilled. Do it. Do it now! HEARING AID ON

“Murder Loves Killers Too”: Here’s what you do: break the DVD in tiny pieces, place it in the toilet, take a dump on it, wipe & flush it down. The end. HEARING AID OFF

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