Monday, June 17, 2013

Lorax And Beasts

“Beasts Of The Southern Wild”: This film left me purely feeling disgusted. Don’t get me wrong, I am a soul believer in using what one has/making do with what one has, but to live and sleep in filth. Just gross and grosser. I do not feel sorry for any of those living in the Bathtub, because it seemed all were there by choice (excluding the children). How about that “Girls, Girls, Girls” joint? Wow! And I am sure many do live like those on the Bathtub, and there is nothing wrong with that, whatever floats their boat. Oh, the one thing that kept bothering me was thinking about the smell of rot, filth and fish. Even if I was boozed up every waking moment, I still wouldn’t be able to martyr the stench. HEARING AID OFF for the way the movie made me feel, that is, dirty and filthy and damn stinky.

“The Lorax” (the one voiced by Danny DeVito): I am the Louax, speaker of the movie. I can lovingly give this movie a HEARING AID ON. The movie is cute, creative and full of messages. The best was the songs, especially the one involving Once-ler singing “How bad can I be.” Brilliant! I said, “Brilliant!” Due to the little boy in me, I always have a soft spot for animation movies, especially ones that have goofy fish & bears do oddball things for no reason, like bathe in teacups or make random noises throughout the film. Oh, and that marshmallow scene: brilliant!

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