Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ghost Time

“Death Of A Ghost Hunter”: Even though this film was low budget, actors/actresses couldn’t act (which added to the supposed reality of story), narration sucked (b/c I couldn’t read lips) & sound quality was a bit off (loud here, soft there, extremely loud there), I give this movie a HEARING AID ON. Yes, you better believe it. Two things did it for this movie, the opening scene when the baby is crying and being placed in the bathtub, & the holy spiritualist named Mary. The drowning of the baby touched my emotions because I have a little one and the crying reminded me of my little one trying to communicate with me; it was heart-wrenching. But Mary, oh that Mary she was damn freaky all around: her eyes, her walk, her eyebrows, her voice, her overall weirdness crept me the hell out! How about that scene where she pees on the clothes, which to me was more disturbing that the baby being drowned. And that creepy ghost girl, along with the whole idea of freaky religious nuts going to extremeness added me having a “suspension of disbelief” (how’s that for Brit lit?).

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