Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Parker, 21 & Kung-Fu Mess

“Parker”: A typical action film about a criminal seeking revenge based on some principle. I love it when criminals, who become the good guys in films, have principle because it adds meaning to the story. BUT when a criminal good guy seeking revenge based on a principle stays true to his beautiful-willing-to-stay-with-her-bad-boy-boyfriend, THAT my friend adds real meaning to me. When 2 people love one another, whether bad or good, there is no need to cheat. For what? One night of getting off with some stranger. Just remain faithful. It’s not hard to remain faithful, it is hard compromising and dealing with the love one to make sure one another is happy and still in love. (The secret is my 3 Cs: Communication, Compromising & Change.) That is why I give this movie a HEARING AID ON: the criminal with principle remains faithful to his girlfriend even though he had a chance to cheat. What a man of principle (plus I am a man of principle)!

“21 & Over”: I went back and forth with this one. You know, what makes this one different than the other drunken chaotic movies I have seen over the years? That Jeffchang man was awesome in all those bar scenes. Loved the bull riding scene and the multiple ways he kept showing his ID. Hollywood should just have a drunken movie with that dude. The real beauty of this movie was the ideology of friendship. We all have had (should have had) that close knit group of buds at one point, only to lose the closeness and regain it at parties & other social events. I got those buddies. Hung out with the neighborhood boys in high school, but got closer during college (lots of boozing), but even closer during my dating days (more boozing), but went astray once began having a family (even more boozing). It is only the many aspects within the circle of civil society. We all have a role within ourselves as friends and all friendships are different. This movie did that for me, it reminded me of how I value my friends from every scenario of my life, and how I want to having a couple, just a couple more beers. HEARING AID ON

“The Butcher, The Chef And The Swordsman”: Obviously trying to be way too creative. So it became obviously way to dumb to watch. And I obviously finished watching it and wasted way too much of my time in doing so. HEARING AID OFF

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