Friday, July 26, 2013


“Jack The Giant Slayer”: What a giant, humongous mess! This is that type of movie where the previews of the movie look awesome and fun and you say to yourself, “I wanna see that movie.” I saw it and thought the giants were way too over the top. No female giants; so these giants were created from the gods, the real Titans. Or, do to the hideousness of the male giants, the females ran off and bred the Amazons. I don’t know. I found that the king was too small, giants too gross and certain characters died too soon. Jack was cool, but was better as a zombie. Loved how the 2 headed giant died. Nice! Nothing much else to say. Oh, I think Disney would have done better with Depp as a king’s soldier, or possibly even and an old man Jack (no, not Capt. Jack). HEARING AID OFF

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