Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Omega Nothing

“I Am Omega”: Not really, truly not really. A psychotic lonely man eating pills, training and doing a great deed by blowing up a city is pretty sweet, but not the way he goes about it. The movie had potential, but the way the lonely man loses to 2 hillbillies is pathetic. And don’t get me started about radio broadcasting because I haven’t the slightest clue as to what is being put forth, all it is is talknoise to me. Talknoise is a jumble of mumbo jumbo language that I know is English but cannot make it out one bit due to the very robotic, low, fast blur type of talk. Even better than the drunken rock scene is how the lonely man gets shot 3 times at close range and still manages to save the day by jumpstarting & pushing a stick shift, drive the car, kill big spined monsters and the hillbilly, and save the wife-look-alike. HEARING AID OFF

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