Tuesday, July 23, 2013


“The Man With The Iron Fists”: Gosh dammit! Look at the screen, there are a bunch of clowns doing kung-fu. Hell, that would have been better than watching this movie. Picture this: tall clowns, midget clowns, fat clowns, colorful clowns starring in a kung-fu movie. Now that is pure entertainment because everyone hates clowns, yet would be willing to watch kung-fu clowns in a film because it hasn’t been done yet. This film was over the top, and no one would have been able to beat that X-men rip off character that Batista played, especially a loser blacksmith that happened to be black (to quote Curly, “What a co-inkidink?) Seriously, if you are going to torture me with over the top fight scenes, hair and acting, at least show me some boobs in the bathtub scene; women do not bathe in a bathtub with clothes on. Why show the scene? I think someone should make a bunch of What If comedy movies (title idea from Marvel comics) in which someone makes a movie that removes the stereotypes from one culture and gives it to another. Henceforth: a movie where a Westerner visits Asia and realizes no one there does martial arts but makes spaghetti, pizza, and does that thing that mobsters do. Or whites were enslaved in Africa, in which USA came about: United States of Africa. Basically, taking the stereotypes and creating humor. I know, who cares about my movie lackluster thoughts, but more importantly who cares about this movie, which got a HEARING AID OFF from me.

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