Monday, July 22, 2013

A Broken Corpse

“The Amazing Adventures Of The Living Corpse”: Hated, just hated the CGI or whatever the hell that is called used to create this hodge-podge of groupthink (just felt like saying that). If one were to actually pay attention to the film, one can notice that the overall idea is terrific, but there are so many storyline plot points that are simply missing. How did the Brainchild know the Living Corpse was around? What is up with all those stupid monsters, especially the woman one with the large mouth? And why is there a secret society of kids? What is that building the kids are in? Countless questions for a movie that should not have been watched because I would not have wasted my time watching the movie and asking these questions on this blog. Or do I just waste my watching all these movies and blogging about them? Or is everything I do a waste of time, because at some point I will die and none of this will matter, unless I have an amazing adventure as a living corpse. So much to ponder. HEARING AID OFF

“Broken City”: An entertaining movie that kept my interest and kept me in the dark for all the possible outcomes for each scenario plot. That is the only reason why I give this movie a HEARING AID ON; it kept me glued to the screen. Oh and this movie got me thinking about politics. Every wonder why there are so many politics involved with everything, whether it is with politicians, family, friends and work? It never ends does it? Those with power sometimes abuse it; those that are devilish sometimes use it; those that are dirty choose it; those that are too nice lose it. (Oh so poetic! Whatever. I hate poetry, because I write it every day and it drives me insane.) With all the politics and major schemes and schematics that are deployed in all our facets of life, only one thing truly matters: the good people. Good people are those that live life according to themselves and follow through with their beliefs. Good people aren’t rich, evil, conniving, super smart, super dump, they is just downright good country people, just kidding, I was just alluding to a short story. Good people are just that, good people. BUT the fate of good people are as follows: tragic, lucky or unheard of. I guess we only hear, as good as we can, of those that are tragic or lucky. I’ve always been lucky.

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