Thursday, July 11, 2013

I Am All About My Silver Linings

“Silver Linings Playbook”: Watching the movie previews beforehand, which were oddball and over the top artistic cinema, I began to become hesitant about the storytelling quality of this movie. And poof, the movie melted into my inner being and I love it! Loved the Italian family, love story and constant chaotic commotion in the background. Loved how the parents tried to help their son get better, and how Pat and Tiffany worked with one another and fell in love. I am a man of reading the signs and believing that in the end destiny pulls the strings. One beautiful aspect of not being able to hear so well, is my ability to observe everything around me with a different approach, which is trusting in my sense of sight and my overwhelming reliance on my gut feeling, which has partially taken over my ability to hear (my silver lining). Let me tell you a little nugget of my love story. My wife, but at the time this little nugget took place, she was my new college girlfriend of less than 2 years, wanted to break up with me because she didn’t want to cause strife amongst my family due to her being African-American and me being Italian-American. Yes, my parents and brothers were against it. In short, I made it very clear that this is not how it is supposed to be. How did I know that? My gut told me so. So, we made the most out of our situation, her family accepting us and my family not accepting us (silver lining). Much has changed since those fighting for our love days, nonetheless, this movie drew me in and kept me reeled in. HEARING AID ON

“Ultimate Zombie Feast: Volume 1”: A bunch of movie shorts making up a feast. Think of this as a hors d'oeuvres before you watch all those other great zombie flicks. The creativity is both new and not so new, but in the end, fun all around. It starts with Zombeer & ends with The Book of Zombies, all of which offered a magical sensation to the string of movie shorts leaving the viewer very satisfied with his/her selection of hors d'oeuvres. Word of advice while watching this collection, enjoy the diverse fun of the many cultures adding to the zombie lore. HEARING AID ON

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