Monday, April 29, 2013

4 Zombies & A Cop

“Bloodlust Zombies”: Extremely funny, but lacks everything else. The same zombies tend to be used over and over even though, by zombie rules, redead. The actors are funny, but cannot act. The porn star’s screams truly hurt my hearing aid, therefore will hurt your average good ears. Keep an eye out for the tall zombie in a suit that waves his arms around in utter joy (best scene of movie is when porn star slices head off utter joy waving zombie with ax). HEARING AID OFF

“Zombies Gone Wild”: I beg of you to never, ever see this movie. If you do not heed my warning and decide to watch the movie, please watch it with your eyes closed & on mute. The 3 main characters are NOT funny one bit and in all honesty, nothing is funny about this movie. Zombies are not even a major factor and do not show up until the end. Terrible, terrible & a huge turning of the HEARING AID OFF! Again, please do not ever watch this movie & forget I even mentioned it, you will do the world a huge favor & maybe this movie will be erased from the existence of mankind.

“Rise Of The Zombies”: An okay movie that had potential but full of dumb characters. Notice that the scientist guy is Inspector Gadget 2, which is how I kept viewing him. Wowsers, my chimp is still alive after I injected it with this here serum. Anyways, why must people try to get in a boat at night time? Dumb. Oh, & zombies must be super strong to climb up steel bridges, after being wet from the water. What dumbness?! Have to say, there was one creepy/disturbing scene that involved a newborn. In the end, there is a zombie cure & a HEARING AID OFF.

“Operation: Nazi Zombies”: Title alone sounds like this movie is gonna be great. You guessed it; it simply sucks the balls of an elephant. I’m telling you to not waste your time with a movie that has a bunch of goofy military looking goons wandering around the Cleveland Metroparks-like area in search of a way out. Why is there a camo-faced soldier running around killing his own people? Did he snap? Honestly, in the big scheme of things, it don’t matter. Nothing matters in this movie. This movie doesn’t matter. This blog about this movie doesn’t matter. HEARING AID OFF

“Freelancers”: A crooked cop that is Italian. Never heard of it. A rapper in real life trying to be an actor. Never heard of that. NYPD is corrupt. Why that has to be new. I know 50 Cent could beat my ass in real life, but his punching scenes are way terrible. My 3 month old could do a better job. HEARING AID OFF

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