Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This Ain't Police Academy

"End of Watch": (recommended from a FB friend) was a sad, great disturbing movie. The luck & skill of the police officers I knew would run out, but the approach to the story was entertaining and realistic. Thank god those punks were shot dead & the movie ended on a funny note. Notice there is a scene in which the cops go to the house where the grandma is supposed to be & the cops find chopped up bodies. The cops talk about old people not hearing the door knock b/c of their hearing aids. That is very true for us young folks as well; I never know when someone is knocking until my dog barks or my wife starts screaming for me to get the door. Once when I was young & sleeping over a buddy's house, we were playing war/hide-n-go-seek/camouflage dress up, & a neighbor called the police. The police drive up and say something to us, but we don't move, then the cop asks, "Are you deaf?" and I reply, "Yes, I am. I wear a hearing aid?" The nice officer dismissed us. HEARING AID ON.

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