Monday, April 8, 2013


"Do Not Disturb" is a cheeky comedy that entails that Shakespearian comedy of errors and it works. The movie gradually gains grace, starting slow and then wham the constant mixups and break ups and good sweet comedy. Best scene is when the girl is plastered outta her mind in Paris. Damn! That scene made me want to gobble down some wine, even though I hate the taste of wine. HEARING AID ON.

Here is a movie that was requested for me to watch from a FB friend. BTW, if anyone out there has any movie or TV show (an entire season that is) suggestions, please let me know, & I will do my best to watch/rewatch and post a comment. "Wanderlust": I've had this movie in my possession when it first came out at the library, but thought it would be one of those dry humor movies, you know when every person delivers a comedic line that makes no sense, and there are no facial expressions, or if there is a facial expression, it looks like they are contemplating to talk with cotton mouth while suppressing a fart. Oh, dry humor is like only funny to 1 person you associate with and there is always something off with that person. "Wanderlust" is not dry humor it is damn funny, HEARING AID ON quality humor. You have to watch the mirror scene at least twice: his hillbilly accent, facial expressions and dialogue are a trip. "Get in yer vag!" I still cringe at naked running fat men in slow-motion, why must we be invited to such a delight (but it is still funny).

1 comment:

  1. loved the mirror scene too!! I just loved this movie overall, it was unexpectedly hilarious!
