Saturday, April 6, 2013

Boo For These Zombies

"Ground Zero": I thought to myself, "Wow. Cool, look at this DVD cover. Must be a crazy horror/zombie movie!" The move begins with heavy metal (Oh boy) & the quality is like a D, yes a D movie, not your typical B movie, which I love so. The movie had me going with "Hey this ain't so bad. I like those 2 fat guys b/c they are stupid, corny & look like real dudes I wouldn't mind hanging out with." But there is that lead character who is a huge bag of douche. I like the blonde chick b/c she has a type of sex appeal, but in the end the bag of douche ruins the movie; he alone makes the movie a HEARING AID OFF.

And then I watch "The House of Seven Corpses" a 70s crap movie in terms of footage and sound. Huh? Wha? What she say? Why does Price keep looking out the window, what does he hear that I don't? How does the corpse know which room each person is in (must have hearing 100% better than me, I guess hearing improves with death)? If it wasn't for the plot blurb on back of DVD I would never have known what the premise of the movie was. I give it a smashing HEARING AID OFF.

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