Thursday, April 25, 2013

Modern Attempts @ What

"Triangle": okay, I get it, it is a modern take on the Greek myth about the dude that pushes a rock all the way up and appears so close to pushing the rock over the mountain, but noooooooo, the rock rolls back down. The same fate happens to the mother, who obviously wishes she had a break from her autistic child, so in turn is so close to getting back to her son/be with her son. The viewers get it. The one thing I don't understand, why does hairless Thor keep getting killed, he is a big dude or why doesn't the blonde girl killed from the other people. At first the story is creepy, then once the story is outta the bag, then we know the outcome over and over and over. Thankfully I do not have to watch the movie over and over. HEARING AID OFF

"Lockout": Oh wow, a smart-ass framed cop who gets the girl, but not just any girl, the president's daughter in the end. Booooo & typical. Who wants typical? Since I'm a master of public administration (PA), I will take that PA approach to how disappointed I was at the President for choosing his daughter over the millions of Americans. The Pres. should know that sacrificing one for the greater good is much more noble, ethical and better PR that choosing the wrong path of a PA. Even though the goatee dude was a big prick, he was always willing to do his job above anything else, even if it meant being perceived as an unlovable PA. I wish this movie could have exploded with the inmates. HEARING AID OFF

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