Wednesday, April 24, 2013

You Say Zombies?

“Zombie Apocalypse” (this is the version with 2012 above title with Ving Rhames). A lame ass group of bums, not in the literal sense walk around in a not so smart fashion. I am not even going to mention how horrible the effects are. No sir. Watching my 5 & 3 year olds run away from imaginary zombies is far more entertaining than this zombie movie. You have to see the Alice Cooper zombie in the shower scene that walks like the hunchback of Notre Dame: awesomely funny. You will catch yourself constantly yelling at the characters in the movie: Why is the sword woman leading? Why is he wearing shoulder pads? How do shotgun bullets that are pointed to the ground find their way up into a zombie’s skull? Who tapes a baseball bat? Why is their duct tape on a bat? That is just for starters. You will notice that these zombies are really smart, but that does not change the fact of me giving this poop of a movie a HEARING AID OFF.

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