Monday, April 1, 2013

Bring on the express

"The Express" was a great sad wonderful sad football story of a truly gifted athlete. I love football movies, not because I played football in high school & college (I still have splinters in my butt) but because the game is glorified with brutes rising and overcoming some obstacle. In this instance, aside from the tragic end to a young athlete/man, the obstacle is racial tension. Racial tension may not be around on a grand scale now, but it sure is on micro-scale. Trust me, I know. It sucked to know that people were made to feel inferior due to skin color. What, do not people know that in the end, we all die? We, of different skin colors will die, no one is any better off than anyone else. Movies with racism have a special place in my heart. I have three older brothers that don't talk to me because I fell in love with an African American woman. So, you can see why this movie gets a HEARING AID ON.

"My Sucky Teen Romance" was kind of a bore. Sucky to say the least. Seemed like the teens that played the actors/actresses were the ones who made the movie (hint: Nancy Drew character). Vampires are just not my thing. HEARING AID OFF.

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