Friday, April 12, 2013

What I expected

"What To Expect When You're Expecting" was a tear jerker for me. No, I never had a baby. Yes, I'm a man. However, my wife had 3 babies (all healthy) and each one was a different ordeal: baby 1: birth class, birth plan, week overdue, injected to hurry up labor, then C-section; baby 2: planned C-section; baby 3: home birth, 3 days of labor, then rushed to hospital to have C-section. I loved how the movie captured the various pregnancies and added sadness, humor, and believable disbelief. HEARING AID ON even if the newborn has a piercing cry. Plus, usually a movie with too many well known actors fails, this one worked well in giving everyone a little piece of the film.

"Brian's Song" had everything I love in movies: overcoming racism, Italian related theme (pizza & Piccolo) and football. Yet, the movie was missing a spark. Although it made me think of the shortness of life and how anyone can die any moment leaving behind loved ones and unfulfilled dreams, I wanted the movie to end due to boredom. HEARING AID OFF.

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