Saturday, May 25, 2013

Too Many Vamps

“Vampires Vs. Zombies”: OH MY GOD this movie sucked ass-nuts! Usually, I am awesome at following a movie without hearing much of the dialogue and knowing what will happen. Because this movie had terrible sound, bad footage and useless actors, I have no idea what this movie was truly about and where it was going. I felt like I was in hell and being punished for my sins. HEARING AID OFF

“The Werewolf Versus The Vampire Woman”: You know what, it wasn’t a bad movie, it was just that I had no interest in it. It was just a boring movie with bad sound & I couldn’t tell what anybody was saying because the words didn’t match with peoples lips. Oh, but I did love the werewolf’s voice, it sound like the voice was coming from deep down within a jug, but his voice was so much clearer at the end of the movie, but by that time, I didn’t care about what was going on. Pay attention to the vampire’s fangs: fangs sucked ball juice. HEARIG AID OFF

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