Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Black Is King

"King Of The Zombies": Yes, the zombies here are associated with the Voodoo kind. Yes, there is no eating of any sort. Yes, all the white actors are lame and pointless idiots trying to do nothing important. BUT, one particular charactor is ha-ah-ah-larious. The black "servent" of Mr. Bill is so damn funny, he steals the entire movie. Everything that comes out of his mouth is funny, but most of all, his actions and big eyes popping out are funny shith! That dude alone makes this movie a HEARING AID ON. If you ever watch this movie, pay attention to Mr. Bill's "servant" at all times, also notice how he is always being put in his place, but in the end, he comes out alive and even has the last word (which I couldn't really make out, nonetheless, the last word).

1 comment:

  1. Now I want to watch this one just to see the servant!!
