Monday, May 20, 2013

Argo F*%$ Yourself

“Revolt Of The Zombies”: Please explain to me how 2 people can walk in water, get out of the water & be dry. Zombies here are Asian and part of a blah, blah, blah. And blah, blah, zzzzzzzzz. Oh damn, I gotta rewind so I can finish punishing myself watching this nonwonderful movie waste my eye-cells. Someone please help me from watching horrible blah, blah, blah, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. HEARING AID OFF

“Argo”: With sweat from the heat and sitting on the edge of the rocker, rocking a crying, hot baby I watched this movie with anticipation. Thankfully, the movie was in color & no voodoo zombies decided to ruin the movie. Even though I give this a HEARING AID ON, I still could not stop looking at Ben’s beard & noticing it was a wee-bit off on his right side (viewers’ left side). The best thing about the movie is that it looked like one was watching a movie from late 1970/early 1980.

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