Thursday, May 16, 2013

Supernatural, 'Nough Said

“Supernatural” Season 8 is done & I will wait patiently for the awesome show & awesome brothers to return with the falling (fallen) angels. My wife & I even love this show so much we named our third son after Dean. The season, as well as the show itself, always hits my heart, no not because of Sam & Dean Winchester themselves & how much I want to go to the bar with them & get polluted (that is only part of it), but because of what their brotherly love represents: brothers forever. With that said, this show touches upon my heart because of my wishes and something that will never again happen, simply because the window of opportunity has closed along time ago. Sam & Dean squabble, fight, & sometimes refuse to look for the other if one has gone to hell or purgatory. But in the end, Sam & Dean, just like the end of this season, remain brothers, possessing bonds far greater than familial love, but eternal love, that exists beyond our realm. My three older brothers abandoned me when I chose to love, marry & have children with a beautiful (and sexy) African American. If I were Sam & Dean’s brother, they would be proud I was living a normal life. HEARING AID ON

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