Monday, May 13, 2013

Ain't No Power There, Boy!

"Hand Of Power": Oh dear, why do I put myself through such agony! For you, of course. This was like watching a kung fu movie in terms of audio. My god man, I could not make out a damn thing. In the hour it took me to watch this ever so slow sloth movie (even used the fast forward button & still so damn slow) I made out a couple words, like zombie, Zombie! & a scream. Other than that, the dubbing was off & pretty sure a foreign movie, due to all the actors/actresses having Swedish names or something of that nature. Forget about me trying to read lips. All it was, was a mystery that ended with a Scooby-Doo ending (BTW this movie was made in 1968 & I believe Scooby came out in 1969), the unmasking of the skull stupid head. I am so mad I wasted my chance to sleep to watch this movie. I would rename this movie Hand of my Ass, and have the skull man go fart people to death, much more entertaining. HEARING AID OFF

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