Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Comedy & A Nonzombie That Is Supposed To Be Zombie

"The Five-Year Engagement": This movie was recommended from 2 coworkers & both said it was hilarious. So, it took awhile for me to warm up to the movie, simply b/c I had great expectations. The movie grew on me, but was also hard to realize what the hell the fiancee & her side were saying. It is so funny, I can understand broken English, like how my dad talks, but those British/Irish accents in movies, I cannot take. Hate 'em. Any who? What are you, an owl? Who? Who? Who? (Lame, yes.) What the hell, I am getting sidetracked. I give this movie a HEARING AID ON for one scene only: when the dude was having sex with the young girl from behind & he fell asleep, then she gets mad & he wakes up all confused & decides to spank her ass. Man, that was tip top funny & so real. Yes, we all have had those moments, mine have come with way, way too much alcohol. But the good thing about being in a relationship, those sexual mishaps can be talked about and laughed about. As you know, I am a sucker for romances, so this turned out to be a warmer upper to me. BTW, I grow way better facial hair, however, I cannot rock out those amazing knitted warm sweaters.

Now people, you want a movie to knock your socks off, well then, go grab a copy of "Superargo." (This copy is from A Big Box Of Zombies 4 dvd box set). Wow, what a movie. This dude is a real super hero that is a well known hero & a wrestler. The mask never comes off, so no one knows who this guy is in the "real world", but a man who can be reached to fight major crimes. I believe DareDevil stole his costume. Superargo can jump like no other and toss some major lumber. Check out the robotic panty-hosed zombies he fights. The best parts of it all is that the sound quality sucks, the spoken word is not in sync with lips & I can tell that some are speaking English, but for some I think Spanish (there might be some dubbing). So, with my hearing abilities & a crying baby in my arms, I had no idea what was being said. Regardless, it was an awesome adventure b/c I believe Quentin Tarantino could make a killing off some remakes of this movie. Potential I say & a HEARING AID ON.

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