Friday, September 6, 2013

Tom & Lincoln Again

“Killing Lincoln”: Is it titled “Killing Stinkoln”? Yeah, yeah, another film with Mr. Hanks. But he was a narrator of the so-called movie. Best part of the movie was the Prez actually looked like himself in real life (that doesn’t even make sense, but I like it). As I struggled to stay awake I found myself waking in the middle of the night with the menu screen on. Dammit! I feel asleep, now I gotta torture myself to finish the so-called film. Maybe I am not interested in the killer of Lincoln, or maybe I just prefer Lincoln killing vampires and zombies and whatnot. I reckon so. Okay, I’ll pull something positive outta the film. In retrospect, knowing what I learned from my MPA days, Lincoln was going to be lenient on the South, but after he was killed, Andrew Johnson was even more lenient (I think). Is the South of USA the way it is because of the assassination? By saying the way it is, I am referring to the way it is now. You know what I mean. I ain’t a gonna spell it out for yer. Okay. Okay. Hot in climate and racist. Naw, naw, just a messing with y’all. But it was crazy that Gen. Lee said that one of the worst things for the South was the assassination of Lincoln. Here we have it, a man assassinated and the outcome is a still racist South and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Just messing with y’all. Again. But I ain’t being funny about my HEARING AID OFF for this one. Booth sure as hell talked mighty funny and slow, thankfully I had closed caption on, so that I was able to read what he said before he even uttered a full whacko sentence. He actually made no sense to me, it was as if he was in a Shakespeare play the whole movie. I reckon, his soul deserved more. Buh, yeah right! This movie needed more of my presence in the movie saying, “Huh?” or “Wha?” or “Wesorts. Wesorts. Wesorts. Wesorts.”

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