Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our House Story

“The Money Pit”: Welcome to a movie that portrays my wife’s and my new country home adventure. What goes on in that movie is happening right now, ‘cept we are not rushing out to fix everything very fast (even though my wife wants to), obviously the almighty dollar is at play. Onto the movie and enough of my worthless existence (not my wife, life is worthy of her). Watch the staircase collapse, watch the tub splash, watch your loudness of your laughter. The movie is HA-ah-ah-halarious. Tom Hanks, young funny one, makes too funny of faces and makes great wise cracks: “Ah. Home, crap home.” Notice all the secondary actors, all products of the 80s. It seemed that the actors were the norm for every 80s movie, and that suits me just fine. What a demolition crew: the pure beauty of the eighties, however, still not a fan of the 80s big hair, but I do love the tight clothes the ladies wore. Oh behave! Meow! Meow. Come to think of it, how the hell did midgets get into the mix. Nothing against the little people, but they always make scenes look out of place because it seems like screenwriter sits back and thinks of ways to make scenes seem weird and out of place; “Bingo. I got it. While there is all this chaos, let us throw in a few midgets to mess with the viewers mind. The viewer will be like, “Whoa, that is quite odd. I do say! Odd, odd and mighty strange!” I know, nobody says that. Guess what else nobody says: I give this movie a HEARING AID ON.

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