Friday, September 13, 2013


“Under Siege”: I’m just a cook. A lowly, lowly cook. Or, I’m just a blogger. A lowly, lowly blogger. Well, weren’t we all in for a crazy surprise when the Seagalmaster opened up a cake of whoop ass. I have to point this out, Tommy Lee Jones seemed so out of place. He also kind of reminds me of Shemp; they both have a very ugly (sorry Tommy, I had to say it) face. Naturally, my favorite scene was when Miss whatever year (does it matter?) jumped outta the cake. Okay, okay, my real favorite scene was when Seagalmaster tries to bust a move with the skinny black guy down in the cook area. The end result in all this craziness was Seagalmaster’s moves and destruction of the bad guys. He is fast, sometimes sloppy, but shows very powerful moves and we can envision the utter out of this world ahurting the Grand Segalmaster has bestowed upon the evil weirdo ship overtakers. An action classic in my book. HEARING AID ON. P.S. Have you every looked at an actor/actress on screen and watched them appear to be so sincere in their acting that you think it is genuine and real? Seagalmaster does that for me with his smiles. Oh, his running is atrocious (from other movies, not this one).

“The Glimmer Man”: Seagalmaster with K. I. Wayans. Damn those two are tall smuckers! Love when Seagalmaster has a secret past (which is nearly every movie). How about that restaurant scene where he picked up the phone, talked, kicked some butt and answered the phone on the way out. Smooth, simply smooth. I hate his jacket (ugly jackets becomes his forte in some movies). To wear a jacket like that means one is full of one’s own jack-assedness. Say it like this: jack-ass-id-ness. Nonethelessness, bad-butt action scenes with so many useless subplots, I love it all. Wayans had some nice one liners, but I couldn’t take him seriously while he cried in the movie theater. Still, Seagalmaster wins my heart in this film. HEARING AID ON

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