Monday, September 9, 2013

No One Has Fallen

Olympus Has Fallen”: What? Another movie about a president being assassinated. Kind of, but an awesome movie with Butler being bad-ass hero. All you have to do is sit back, and enjoy the show because it is a captivating experience. Love the ruthlessness of the terrorists and Butler, especially the knife to the head scene. I am pretty sure, Butler could make this character have many sequels, like the Die Hard films. I keep using Butler because I can’t remember his character’s name, oh wow, here it is right on the box: Mike Banning. Maybe Mike is a relative of Bruce or maybe not. Banning is big, fast and can fight anything that comes his way. We need more heroes like him in movies. Hollywood, just make another sequel with this character: call it, One More Fall Won’t Hurt. HEARING AID ON

“42: The Jackie Robinson Story”: And what a story. I love movies about strong individuals that overcome the racial barrier which was caused by stupidity. Yes, we all know Americas racial history, but as we should be aware, racism is everywhere. Look at Mario Balotelli for Italy; the first black player on the Italian national team to play in a major tournament. Mario experiences racism all around him. I am always amazed that someone could think s/he is better than someone else with a different skin color. It doesn’t matter what skin color one has because there are idiots, heroes, hotties, uglies, dummies, and geniuses of every skin color out there. Okay back to the movie, the movie was captivating. I caught me eyes widening at each new scene. I didn’t want to peel away my eyes from the screen. Robinson’s actor wife was a cutie; reminded me of my wife prior to her crazy kinky curl days. One irony is how I hate to play and watch baseball (b/c I could never hit the damn ball in my grade school baseball days), but I do love baseball movies. I also think that the African Americans that have changed the course of USA’s racist stupidity of the past were strong unique individuals and were simply always meant to be. Although, I possess a boring skin color of light peach, I can say I am not totally the hodge-podge of ethnicity and nationalities which makes a real American American. I am not a totally boring person in US of A; I am Italian-American and the this country was built on those Italian laborers’ backs. On the spectrum, my beautiful gorgeous wife is African-American and this country was built on African-American’s blood. In short, our children have a ton to be proud of and a ton of problems to eventually deal with. HEARING AID ON

1 comment:

  1. Wow, surprised you gave the Olympus move a hearing aid on. I don't think I liked it.
