Wednesday, September 11, 2013

No More Scary Movies, Please

“Scary Movie V”: A couple funny scenes but way, way, way, way over done, fried, washed up, over the top and straight out stupid. Best part of the movie was the bloopers. Snoop was laid back and funny. Most scenes were just outrageous and didn’t create laughs but cringes (you know what I mean: watching movie and wondering why an actor of that stature would be in a movie, say this and do that and in the end not be funny; all for money? A job is a job, is it not? Look at what we do at our daily jobs. Sometimes we ain’t proud, but we get paid for the unproudiness). Why have a little girl (or was it a boy being a girl) dry hump or stick a tooth brush up her butt? That is just wrong and ridiculous. I remember the first few Scary Movies being pretty good with somewhat good storylines, but I think now-a-days movies like these are done for. Movie spoofs are great, but there has to me a sense subtlety. Can that been done? Of course. I know I can make it happen, if I had the resources and some bigga shith (as my dad would say) offered me some dough to write a script. After the movie ended, I asked myself why I watched this, because I have some Steven Seagal movies to watch. Why do I poison my mind with rotting filth? Why am I even watching all these movies? Why am I writing a blog? Why was Scary Movie 5 ever made? I would rather watch Seagal talk mumbo jumbo gumbo, wear a weird fuzzy hair-do, be way overweight & hunt down vampires (which is a movie I’ve seen a long time ago, or maybe a combination of Seagal movies mixed in my brain over the years). HEARING AID OFF

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