Monday, November 18, 2013

Team Of My Dreams

“The Dream Team”: This was the dream team around before NBA’s Olympic dream team. So, these guys were legit and not to quit. Four psychos prowling around NY with very perturbed minds, creates a story so worth seeing. Michael Keaton looks like a demented psycho and fits his character well and Peter Boyle, who I always and forever see as Young Frankenstein’s monsters: aaaaarrrrrrrgh! Young Frankenstein was hilarious, the dude looks creepy and it is so amazing that a guy who looks the way he does, you know, the balding look with tufts of hair on the side (the look my dad sported and still does) and make movies and TV shows. Check out Young Frankenstein in the Baptist church scene, too much. Even Tony Soprano’s shrink is in this movie (very, very skinny). The plot was great, the actors were great, the adventure was great: so true for an 80s movie.  Think of it this way, today’s standards of making a fun silly movie requires too much inappropriate language and gestures with a male’s penis. I hate movies that have a male’s wiener exposed; it is not the snake that bothers me, it is the hairy mess around it. At least show a handsome man’s Johnson dangling about, rather than some negative length of a fatso full of fur. HEARING AID ON, for the movie that is.

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