Saturday, November 9, 2013

Breaking Balls Bitch

“Breaking Bad” season 5: Walt is in the empire business. What a joke! Who says that? Oh yeah, I know, a cocky chemist that has been in the meth business for a year and cooks the purist meth for all druggies. As well as a person that has become delusional with the American Dream. Did you know that the American Dream is actually to make as much money as you can? Money, money, money is what the founding father’s wrote into the nation’s constitution without really stating that outright. So, maybe Walt isn’t that far off. He needs to make the perfect meth to make unknown amounts of money for a family that hates him and doesn’t know him. Money honey. Life equals money. Liberty equals money. Pursuit of happiness most definitely equals money, money, money and mo’ money. It is all about the Benjamins. Oh yeah! (Say “Oh yeah” with a Beyonce singing voice). Were not all our founding fathers loaded with money? Why are the presidents and politicians loaded with money?  Bring on the dough, and I don’t mean play-doh. Doh! Poor Jesse. I love how Jesse says Mr. White. It is so clear, as in Whyy-ite: Mr. Whyy-ite. Anyways, oh no, Hank found a clue while taking a dump. Now that Walt has become a douchebag bad guy that cannot be a loving husband & properly take care of his kids (he is no Tony Soprano, that’s fo’ show), he must go down. I caught myself wanting the episodes to end. HEARING AID OFF

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