Friday, November 15, 2013

Old Sport

“The Great Gatsby” (2013 version): Leo looking handsome and the woman he dreamt of being with is ugly. The woman being fought over is not pretty in terms of dying over/fighting over. Even if she is amazing in bed and appears as a good girl in life, there is someone out there that is hot, beautiful and sexy in bed that is worth lying for, dying for and eying for. The blonde in this film is not worth that. Also, how does one say he loves someone (that person being Mr. Buttcanon), yet still have a fling with another woman in a secret apartment? That is preposterous, old sport! Indeed, old sport! I’m an old sport. You’re an old sport. That guy is an old sport. Old sport. Old sport. Told the old sport he is an old sport and you know what the old sport said about being an old sport: he hated being an old sport. Imagine that, old sport? The movie was lavish and created a great amount of desire from the viewer to want to jump into the movie and be entertained by the Gatsby party. I know I did. Gimme some weirdoes and strangers to party with over the normal crowd any day! Ever go to a party with your friends (the usuals), but at the party there are a huge mix of individuals that are making the party happening, yet your usual friends feel uncomfortable and want to leave, but you don’t because you are having a blasty blast. The college parties I went to at Adrian College were like that, you know, the odd mix of fellows: hotties, jocks, stoners, nerds, oddball old guy, townies, druggies, shy ones. The atmosphere was intoxicating and you don’t want the night to end because the now is now and the future always seems brighter full of booze and good times. Mr. Gatz, a crook by trade but with the heart of a lover dreamt of bright days in a mansion of excess with one ugly blonde. In our lives, we all fall in love (or what we think of as love at that time) with someone that is a dark cloud (but not dark at that moment while in love) and brings life into the gutters without really knowing life is going down the toilet because love overshines it all. Oh yeah, let is shine, let it shine. LET It shiiiiiiiiiiiine.That one person that you think you love, actually turns out to be a burden of heavy dirty coal, and possibly, a forever headache and you just wish that person was dead or on a nicer way of saying things, that you never said/did the things you did while in fake love. Poor Mr. Gatz should have stuck to his Blatz and partied with different actual hotties for a few years, then settled down or going back to be lonely. But he couldn’t because he was a romantic and would die for love. How about Peter Parker going insane with booze, depression and whatnot? Poor Peter probably missed his Aunt May. Poor old sport.The partying was fun, the buildings were spectacular and Leo was the usual Southern crazy gentleman I want him to be. Leo is a very classy guy, as well as ageless like Depp. I do hope that one day Leo and Depp star in a movie together with Depp being the sinister bad guy and Leo being the hero of the day. Actually, I think Leo would be an awesome late son of Indiana Jones & Depp could be a crazy take over the world kind of guy. “Gee, Brain,  whatcha wanna do tonight?” Same thing we do every night, give it a HEARING AID ON.

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