Thursday, November 14, 2013

It Really Did Seem All Bad

“It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time”: It seemed like a good idea at the time to decide to not watch this movie; but you know I couldn’t, but I just wish I did just that. On the cover of the movie, it has a huge picture of John Candy, with his name in bold red letters at the top. John Candy has the best scene in this movie, in which he falls out a window, grabs a rope while falling down, swing crashes through a window to land as if nothing happened. Yet, of the 91 eye-sleeping minutes, John appears in less than 10 minutes of the film. What is it with 70s movies? They suck tremendously. Well, the majority I have seen this year. Maybe I just pick bad ones and force myself through eye hell. The storyline is whacky dump boring: it appears someone picked up a camera and started filming in the middle of a plot and added ridiculous noise effects to no avail other than to make the viewer cringe and want to press the fast forward button NOW until the credits rolled up. Nothing of this movie truly made sense and I have no idea why anyone would want to act in this movie. I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time. Regardless if it did seem like a good idea, this movie gets a HEARING AID OFF, from the man who can use such a phrase.

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