Friday, August 2, 2013

Just Bring It

“The Garbage Pail Kids Movie” was garbage, garbage, garbage. Yes, this was an 80s movie that captured the cheesiness of some 80s movies made for kids, and the outlandish fashion that was so bad that one now cannot believe people of that era thought the fashion was cool (note the scene in which the kids make a coat for the boy to impress Tangerine (Wow, what a stripper name! (Why, oh why?))). Yeah, I had the sticker cards and so did my friends (my fav was Tattoo Lou). As I stared at the un-humorous movie (even having footage of the Stooges didn’t help), I wondered to myself, yes I did, and while I was doing that, I was trying to recollect if I liked this movie as a kid. The garbage pail kids were just as ugly as the cards, which was the only good thing about this film. But the story line, dammit, it simply sucked the dripping snots of Messy Tessie. Another noteworthy shot was that Windy Winston was sagging his pants (wow, had no idea that style went that far back). HEARING AID OFF (sorry 80s movie fans, but this one was STUpid).

“Snitch”: I was blown away by the Rock’s acting. He reminded me of a real action star, like the great and powerful Oak. I think one reason I thought the Rock did an awesome job, was that I had the close captions on and the volume low and my hearing aid was out. Sometimes, I find myself annoyed and tired with my hearing aid in my ear (this is a new occurrence since I discovered the wonders of closed captions (don’t ask why I haven’t made use of it my entire life)). Before, I sometimes I would want it out, but fought through the annoyance and kept on listening. Things are slightly different now. I didn’t hear the Rock’s voice to make me think of his WWE days. Rock was hilarious in WWE. Another thing I have to say, aside from the storyline keeping me on my toes, was that the Rock was huge and managed to get a smackdown on his candy ass, repeatedly, which added more realism to the film. HEARING AID ON

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