Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ride Nowhere

“Promised Land”: Well, I thought I had an idea of what the movie was going to be about based on the hodgepodge of previews I haD seen: one politician vs. another. Boy was I wrong, and what a huge twist to the movie about the Athena dude. Once the viewer is submerged into the movie dealing with the usual city verse country attitude, one will know the outcome. But, it is all about how the movie arrives to the outcome. I love the heart of the country bumpkins and how they love their land (one day, I might move out into the country, working on house purchase as I type right now (or as you read right now) (of which I’ll start a new blog and I have an awesome title for it, but I won’t tell XOXO)). Best scene is when Matt Damon is at the bar and gets into it with the good ol’ boys about not understanding why they stay and not take the f u money. Any light hearted movie that deals with good country people always touches my inner being. HEARING AID ON

“The Last Ride”: Yup, I reckon this here movie is ‘bout the country singer, Hank Williams, I reckon. Right kind of you to read this blog, ya’ll damn hillbilly. Sadly so, one needs to know something ‘bout Hank to be right familiar with this here kind o’ movie. I reckon that was my mistake, and sho’ would be sad fer me ta say, this here film should had been called “The Bore Ride”. Well, boy, I think fer sure the best part ta film was when Hank referred to the driver as a hillbilly. Hm, I reckon I need to explore why southern boys refer to other southern boys as hillbilly. The ride scenes were boring, the movie was boring, not because this here film took place in a Caddy, but simply because it was not entertaining ta me. I sho’ did reckon, movie did not hold ma’ interest at all. I do believe that is the case, I reckon. HEARING AID OFF

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