Monday, August 5, 2013

What A Great Combo

 “The Three Stooges Collection” Vol. 3 1940-1942. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. Watching these shorts in chronological order is awesome. I get to witness the gradual progress of additional stage sounds (like a swoosh sound), new one liners by Moe (too numerous to count) and the continuous hilariousness of Curly. I always knew Curly was funny, but he is amazingly funny. He has the voice, the face and the onstage antics that are nonstop actionfun. Watching him perform is a treat because I just realized he is unique and no one can be as crazy, funny and continuously upping his acting game. The guy is prolific in his comedy hilarities. Also believe there was one episode I had never seen before: Matri-phony (none of it is familiar; sadly it did not give me as many laughs, but kept me intrigued). HEARING AID ON

“Gossip Girl” Season 6. Hold on, don’t you go judging me now. And for the record Chuck Bass is greatness, and always a treat to watch. Speaking of treats to watch, the hottest female on the show is Lilly, what an ageless beauty and a sexy Milf (reminds me of Deborah Santillo (from my group of peoples here in Cleveland)). Lily is perfect to watch and I love her mannerism, so delicate, classy and sexy; having her love Bart again, what a barfy idea. Ten episodes made up this series finale and the first 8 drove me mad with the stupidity of characters’ maneuvers and motives, and the odd plot lines of what characters normally wouldn’t do but decided to do this season aggravated me constantly. My facial expression was frozen with that look of I just saw a naked rotten zombie eat the back fat of a hairy man, and simultaneously crap digested hairy back fat out of its rotten anus. But, watching Bart fall and the chaoticness of the final 2 episodes was all I needed to give this season a HEARING AID ON. Ya sure, I had my doubts, but just like some things in life, it worked out. Serena and lonely boy always made a good pair. The key to loving this show is watching Lilly closely, and listening to everything Chuck Bass & Nate say. The one liners are through the roof. 

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