Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Stooges 43

“Movie 43”:  A comedy with short films comprising an entire movie. This would have worked back in the 70s with the “The Kentucky Fried Movie” or a National Lampoon movie with the spoof shorts, but this one didn’t tickle my funny bone much. Yes, the neck balls was pretty funny, along with the basketball skit being utterly hilarious but, the end result was me wondering why the dude who played Gen. Hawk in the G.I. Joe movies wears his hair like he is a skateboard punk when in actuality he is an aging dude sporting a bad hair dude, dude. The stupid cat scene was way over the top, but the Halle Berry skit was nice, too bad each couldn’t REALLY be that BIG. What else to blog about? If one were to notice, it seemed like this movie was the 90s version of SNL. Remember when SNL had nearly every skit full of raunchy humor, or sex related humor that became too much and to a point where the viewer laughed outta respect for the show, not because actual humor existed. This film allows one to feel that way; the viewer has respect for the famous actors/actresses, but in the end, the viewer wonders why his time was wasted to view a very unimportant film, which if it were to disappear for all eternity, the viewer wouldn’t have to wonder why really famous actors/actresses took part in the film. HEARING AID OFF

“The Three Stooges Collection” Vol. Four 1943-1945: I’m not going to wait until the end, so HEARING AID ON. Notice the years are WWII years. So, there were some shorts with the war propaganda that I didn’t care for, but enjoyed it for what it was. Moe does awesome Hitler impersonations & wonder why Stooges didn’t rip on Germans more since all three were Jewish. However, the Japanese, (constantly referred to as “Japs) were made fun of a ton. Moe still has awesome one-liners like “Wake up & go da sleep!” or “I’ll gouge your eyes out!” or “Blow out the candle or I’ll blow out yer brains.”  One should also pay attention to Curly’s voice, it is gradually losing its high pitchness and changing into something different (probably a precursor to his failing health) but the Stooge is still amazing with his loveable noises and faces. Nyuk. Nyuk. Nyuk.

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