Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Call 9-1-1 For This Blog Content

“The Call”: Gomer Pyle exclaimed, “Surprise. Surprise. Surprise.” And boy was I surprised. This movie was recommended by my sister-in-law and for once, she recommended a good one. I remember watching the previews for this one and thinking how the previews sucked shaved donkey nuts. Obviously, one should never base a movie on the previews, you know what I mean. Dontcha? Kinda of like judging me based on my looks: because I’m a caveman lookalike and can’t speak, nor write the greatest English, you wouldn’t have thought I possess 4 college degrees (two of which pertain to English (go figure)), once earned a 4.7 GPA for 1 semester in high school (all boys catholic college preparatory school), or that I write poetry everyday (and yes, I am bragging; go ahead and call 9-1-1). In short, never judge a book by its cover, especially me (I am a book just waiting to be written with all the misspellings of all those ghetto urban fiction (so called African American fiction (which it ain’t, uh-uh, no suh, gimme me sum of that queen bitch in that welfare wars with a crack-head gangster money honey buns with a pitbull) at the Library I work at)). Halle was okay, anyone could have played her role, but what did it for me was the story, the little girl and the actor who played the psycho. The psycho was demented: killing little girls for their hair, possibly raping the little girls after scalping them (notice the blood stained sheets), incest & have kids & wife; damn Cleveland, doesn’t that sound familiar. Sadly art imitates life, which is the only muse for our senses. The little girl did some badass stuff and one cannot help but root for the little warrior all the way, with swollen eye & scalpel cut (eww that was brutal to watch). The storyline was great the way it ended: revenge for the good girls. HEARING AID ON

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