Thursday, March 28, 2013

February Movies

"Big Bang Theory": Season 1 done in 2 days. Man, that show is frigging funny. I give it a HEARING AID ON. Love the Indian dude. I feel the connections: comics, toys & being shy around girls. 

"Haunted Honeymoon": and it was not as good as I remember, so it gets a HEARING AID OFF. Wilder's best part was when he was using the butler's legs as his own. Not a fan of the ending.

"Machine Gun Preacher": now that is a definite HEARING AID ON. Sam, I don't care how you would bring home my child, as long as the child returns. Amazing as to what one man can accomplish, perform & make an impact. Making an impact on others & society is all about civil society, even in uncivil parts.

"Moneyball": and to my surprise it was pretty damn good. I absolutely hate baseball, that is watching the sport & playing, probably b/c I could do everything on the field but hit the damn ball. Why didn't someone tell me to lead with the hip & not muscle the bat, just like throwing the discus: "It's all in the hip. It's all in the hip." I loved the GM POV. It gets a HEARING AID ON.

"Eat Pray Love": gets a HEARING AID ON. Hey, I've always been a romantic even though my appearance is very cavemanian. The irony is that I had to watch the movie in close captions, which I despise. Either my sinus cold is affecting my hearing, my aid is malfunctioning, my hearing is decreasing or all the above. Huh? Wha? Hm? Sheep-dip!

"Hunger Games": boo, or should I say HEARING AID OFF b/c it was a combination of Stephen King's The Long Walk & The Running Man. Obviously the book is for young adults, so was the movie. Wonder if I would have liked as a teen, probably. 

"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close": was touching and a great story, so yes, a HEARING AID ON. Deeply sad, especially being a father, I wonder what my wife & boys would feel if I were gone, I don't want to dwell on it.

"Dutch": O'Neil was pretty good, I'm wondering if he made more movies like that. Well, IMDB has a lot of movies listed for him. Although a typical story, good comedy: HEARING AID ON.

"Hesher": got a HEARING AID ON b/c it was crude & rude humor. Gordon-Levitt was a crazy disturbed bastard & I liked his acting as Hesher, loved his story about his missing testicle.

"Cheaper by the Dozen": with Steven Martin was great comedy HEARING AID ON. All I need is 9 more boys, oh & I finally would qualify for gov. assistance. It was just fun & insane & I could relate to some of the incidences. 

"The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again": didn't fare so well in my humor mood. It should have been titled The Dumbly Bumbly Gang Shouldn't Ever Ride: HEARING AID OFF. I loved watching Disney movies back in the day, but the humor seemed too forced.

"The Dictator": provide funny stupid & idiotic humor while I was rocking my 3rd son to sleep @ like 3 & 5 am respectively. Everything about it was asinine, but did like how the Dictator wanted to shoot everyone. HEARING AID ON.

"Prometheus." what an awesome prequel to movies already in existence (you know what I mean movie fans). Great story & visuals. The aliens are part human, giant & biological warfare. Nice! HEARING AID ON.

"Descendents": if your a zombie movie lover, don't waste your time with this bore. HEARING AID OFF! Even though it had a new creative addition to the zombie lore/mythos, there was too much recycled footage to tell a very short story and the ending was a cliched one. Give me back my time.

"Cedar Rapids": gets a HEARING AID OFF for not being my type of humor. Some funny moments, just wasn't up my alley. Maybe b/c it had too much dialogue of which I'm sure I missed.

 "Snow White & the Huntsman" gets a HEARING AID OFF for being like every other Medieval movie. Obviously, tried to focus on visuals rather than originality, yet, how much can Snow White be recreated to become something other than the fairy tale meant to be.

"Valley of the Dolls": although with a title like that, I was expecting more nudity, I still give it a HEARING AID ON.

"The Mothman Prophecies": gets a HEARING AID ON b/c the unknown is always out there. I swear back in the day on an eclipse of the moon, my buddy & I saw a flying creature that resembled a stingray with a pointed devil tale hovering between 2 houses disappearing into the west side Cleveland, OH night sky.

"Valley Girl": a goofy romance with a weirdly shaved chested Nicholas Cage. HEARING AID ON.

 "The Wolfman" (A. Hopkins version). Man oh man, the werewolves were brutal. HEARING AID ON.

"Black Mama, White Mama": started of with a HARD ..., I mean HEARING AID ON with the women's prison scenes, but once the 2 heroines escaped, the viewer enters a land of 1970s DeAndre Cole's "What's up with that?" In the end, it received a HEARING AID OFF.

 "The Son of No One": should be retitled to "Son of a Bitch! No One Should Watch This Movie!" Boring cop movie. HEARING AID OFF!

"The Bucket List": HEARING AID ON. What a great duo: Freeman & Nicholson. Humor & sadness all in one, the essence of life. Have you found your joy? I found the thing that gives me joy, no silly person, not my wife, but me! I love to humor myself.

The Avenging Eagle" (Chinese title is leng xue shi san ying): Any fans of kung fu, well if you want modern & cheesy, check it out. HEARING AID ON. If I had a kung fu weapon, it would be 2 hearing aids (left & right) connected by a razor sharp wire, of which I can yank outta my ears and unleash monstrous fury. my name would be Lui Ru. 

"War Horse": more like Bore Horse. Stupid horse movies. HEARING AID OFF.

"Taxi Driver": is supposed to be a classic, but I don't know, it didn't do the trick for my taste buds. Things felt choppy, but De Niro sure looked the role: demonic & creepy all at once. HEARING AID OFF.

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